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20th century fox中文是什么意思

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  • 20世纪福克斯
  • 二十世福斯
  • 二十世纪福克斯
  • 二十世纪福斯影片公司


  • 20th century fox
  • Following a lengthy dose of behind - the - scenes speculation , 20th century fox has inked a deal with the creators of 24 to turn the fast - paced fox series into a feature film
    在做了一番漫长的幕后策划后, 20世纪福克斯公司已经与24小时系列电视剧的创作团队达成了一项协议,将把24小时拍成电影。
  • Thus , for instance , a copy of 20th century fox ' s “ ice age : the meltdown ” is available only on blu - ray , while universal ' s “ the break - up ” can be viewed only on a disc and player built with hd - dvd technology
  • For now , sony ; metro - goldwyn - mayer , which is owned by private equity firms in partnership with the comcast corporation and sony ; 20th century fox , a division of the news corporation ; and walt disney pictures are all exclusively releasing their dvds in blu - ray
    目前,索尼、私人投资并与康卡斯特和索尼合作的米高梅、新闻集团下属的二十世纪福克斯以及迪士尼,都专以蓝光技术发行了自己的dvd 。
用"20th century fox"造句  


, by merger of Fox Films (founded in 1915) and 20th Century Pictures, Inc. (founded in 1929)
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